Register to Receive News
Once you have registered, you will get all the information and news published by GoPlay Senior directly in your email inbox. We will remind you when you would be able to register to a tournament or when the scores are published in the website and so on. On the other hand, we will publish some events and other surprises as well.
GoPlaySenior special conditions for all participants:
Banco Mediolanum Grand Slam Package
€ 100: registration to participate in the 4 Grand Slam during the year (you save 40 €).
GoPlay Senior Member
€ 100: Customized GoPlay Polo -1 free registration for Master 1000 or 500 - 10% discount on other inscriptions - 1 box of Tennis balls.
GoPlay Senior Assistance Fee
€ 50: Personal assistance for the IPINS / Tournament registration decided by the player / advice and assistance on the concerns that each player have related to the calendar and the competitions.. Customized GoPlay Senior Polo free.
Senior GoPlay Fans
€ 20: help us to consolidate the project !!!! 1 can of balls Gift.